
The curriculum at PSS covers kindergarten and elementary school from grade I to grade VIII. Classes are conducted using a program and textbooks adapted to the age of the children. The program is based on textbooks and exercises recommended by the Association of Polish Teachers in America and is supplemented and enriched with aids and materials covering Polish traditions, customs and rituals.
The history curriculum focuses on the facts and events of Poland's past. It familiarizes with historical concepts and chronology. It develops skills in working with source texts and maps. Younger children learn history on the basis of selected Polish legends related to the region or city to which the lesson is devoted.
In geography lessons we show children how beautiful Poland is. Children learn about cities, rivers, lakes, mountain ranges, geographical lands and attractive tourist regions, taking into account natural features and the contemporary state of the environment.
Learning the Polish language is interspersed with learning poems and songs related to our country. Children are very eager to learn not only the songs that their parents still remember, but are also keenly interested in contemporary works.
Class 0
M. Pawluśkiewicz
Pooh goes to school part 1, part 2
Class I
M. Pawluśkiewicz
Elementary, Elementary Exercises, Glossary Essentials
Class II
M. Pawluśkiewicz
Second grade aces - reading and exercises
Class III
M. Pawluśkiewicz
With a smile and sunshine - reading and exercises
Class IV
M. Pawluśkiewicz
Piękna nasza Polska - czytanka i ćwiczenia
Class V
M. Pawluśkiewicz
In a joyful circle
W. Bobiński
Class VI
M. Pawluśkiewicz
With a heart toward the homeland
W. Bobiński
History-Modern Times
Class VII
A. Siek, M. Ślęzak, A. Witkowska
Closer to Poland
W. Bobiński
History-From slavery to national independence
Class VIII
A. Siek, M. Ślęzak, A. Witkowska
To this country...
W. Bobiński
History-II to III Republics